About Us

With over 25 years of combined experience our team of developers know a thing or two about creating powerful websites. Our team has the rare privilege of sharing the same vision on where the web is headed. This helps us choose which technologies we should adopt, ways we can build websites faster, and most importantly how to get our clients the most from their websites.

What sets us apart

People will ask us from time to time, “What makes Muze different from other web agencies?”.  As much as we would like to differentiate ourselves from the competition, we feel as long as we stay true to our core beliefs people will know instantly how we’re different.

In this industry you have to constantly learn and stay abreast of every new technology that comes out. We understand that if you become “set in your ways” you’ll be left in the dust. So our clients can expect we will always be on the lookout for ways to optimize their websites.

We’re not fans of doing the same thing twice. Especially when it involves our design work. We understand that every client is different and has different needs so we pride ourselves on being able to find creative solutions for our clients.

Web agencies can be a lot like car mechanics, i mean who really knows what they are talking about or if something really needs fixing? We strive to be open and honest with our clients, good or bad we make sure they are knowledgeable of everything that’s going on. We feel the more our clients know the better they will feel with their decisions.

We are very proud to say we have a 100% track record for completed projects. We accomplish this by making sure we can provide our clients with the exact solution they are looking for, if we can’t, we will respectfully decline the project. We find this honesty extremely valuable in delivering our projects on time.

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Tell Us About Your Project!

Muze Development Partners, LLC, is a web design and development agency located in Houston, Texas. We offer professional web design, and WordPress development services.

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